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Server Support is Key for a Functioning Website
Published: 02/08/2023
Any company that has a website, also needs to have excellent server/hosting support as well. Continue Reading >
SMS Applications And Its Advantages
Published: 12/15/2022
Since customers are using their phone on a consistent basis, companies have been taking advantage of this and creating SMS applications in order to showcase their products and services. Continue Reading >
Multi Factor Authentication: Why You Need It
Published: 12/07/2022
Multi Factor Authentication by definition is a security measure. It's a process that allows users to provide two different methods of authentication to verify themselves. Continue Reading >
The Future of Web Development Trends
Published: 11/12/2022
Web development trends have evolved a lot in the past 30 years. In the beginning, it was based on the development of pages and websites for the Internet, Intranet and Extranet. Mostly text, some images, and very few videos or sounds. Continue Reading >
Image Optimization For Better SEO
Published: 10/08/2022
An image is worth a thousand words; and with optimization, this phrase can be true. Continue Reading >
The Hottest Web Design Tools for 2022
Published: 08/22/2022
Design tools have evolved since the mid 90s; websites in the past went from only text, to now being visual and video rich. Technology has advanced a lot since then. Continue Reading >
Interactive Museums: Fun and Learning
Published: 07/29/2022
Summer breaks are great times to get kids out and about; museums are a great way to keep them learning during their break. One of the most fun activities in museums are the interactive learning tools they provide. Continue Reading >
User Experience: 10 Ways to Improve Your Website
Published: 06/18/2022
Websites that have been built with user experience in mind fair much better than websites that were built based on the company's needs without considering their users and potential clients. Continue Reading >
Audiovisual Integration and Its Power
Published: 05/05/2022
Audiovisual technology has been key in different industries; and audiovisual integration takes it a step further. Continue Reading >
7 Tips to a Better SEO Ranking in 2022
Published: 05/01/2022
There is so much to learn, adapt to and implement when it comes to SEO ranking. It's all about trying to get your website reach higher up in search results; and there are so many different ways to make that happen. Continue Reading >
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