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Web 3.0 Technology, the Next Phase of the Internet
Web 3.0 is emerging at this time; and it promises a better Internet, taking the best of the previous phases. The evolution of Internet comprises of 3 phases: Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3. However, these phases don’t replace their previous phase, there is, and will always be some sort of an overlap.

Web 3.0 Technology, the Next Phase of the Internet
Web 3.0 is emerging at this time; and it promises a better Internet, taking the best of the previous phases. The evolution of Internet comprises of 3 phases: Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3. However, these phases don’t replace their previous phase, there is, and will always be some sort of an overlap.
Web 3.0 Technology, the Next Phase of the Internet
Published: 10/17/2023

Web 3.0 is emerging at this time; and it promises a better Internet, taking the best of the previous phases. The evolution of Internet comprises of 3 phases: Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3. However, these phases don’t replace their previous phase, there is, and will always be some sort of an overlap.
Web 1.0 was based on static information, read-only web with little to no interaction; just for display purposes. This is where e-mail started; leading Web 1.0 into the next phase: Web 2.0. Back then, information was decentralized, which means that everybody owned their data.
Web 2.0 birthed social media; and it’s currently where we at. The rise of user-generated content on different social media platforms. A downside is the centralization; where these big companies own our data; making millions of profits from owning the content we publish on these different platforms.
Web 3.0 is the third installment of the World Wide Web; its intention for the web to be decentralized, where people can own their data. It cuts down the “middle man” that owns our data and content. It goes back to the decentralization of Web 1.0, and the engagement interaction of Web 2.0 to make a better “Internet”. This is accomplished through block chain technology.
What is block chain technology
Block chain technology is an advanced database system that provides clear information sharing within a network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain. One of the most popular examples of blockchain technology is Bitcoin; where purchases and sales are powered by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology puts the ownership of data and content back to the user.
With Web 3.0, we can expect to see more open-source software to build content platforms. Also, users selling their own data to maintain ownership control. In addition, we can see a major improvement in search engines.
Some of examples of Web 3.0 technologies are cryptocurrency, NFTs which are met with some resistance from users. This was something that also happened when Web 2.0 brought upon social media platforms such as Myspace and Facebook.
In summary, Web 3.0 has become the term of the vision of a better, more robust Internet. It gives power back to the user to own their content, their data. With every phase, there’s a transition period that can take several years; so we have yet to see all the advantages, and challenges that this new phase will bring.
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