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GTrans Website
Redmon’s SEO efforts on this website led to a strong introduction of the new organization's identity to search-engine rankings. When GTrans premiered, the identity had to compete on Google against Google Translate. Just three months after the website's launch, GTrans resoundingly supplanted Google Translate on search-engine rankings.

GTrans Website
Redmon’s SEO efforts on this website led to a strong introduction of the new organization's identity to search-engine rankings. When GTrans premiered, the identity had to compete on Google against Google Translate. Just three months after the website's launch, this company resoundingly supplanted Google Translate on search-engine rankings; for instance.

The City of Gardena, California contracted Redmon and Pulsar Advertising to build and support a new website to coincide with the rebranding of their service from Gardena Municipal Bus Lines to GTrans. Content from the previous website was migrated to the new one and re-formatted to enforce the organizations new identity and branding.
Redmon used the CMS Wordpress to manage this website, adding some Redmon-built plugins to accommodate specific functionality, including route maps, timetables, and an email alert system.
The introduction of a new brand introduced SEO challenges to this project. Redmon coded HTML and worked with the City on content to call attention to the service’s name change. Using a mobile-first design approach, Redmon utilized Google Map's API, plotted GTFS information on the map, and created a trip planner.

- Responsive Website
- Optimized with SEO
- Mobile First
- Rider Alerts
- Section 508 Compliance
- Custom Plug-in Functionality
- Easy-to-use CMS
- Integration with GTFS Data

Redmon’s SEO efforts on this website led to a strong introduction of the new organization's identity to search-engine rankings. When GTrans premiered, the identity had to compete on Google against Google Translate. Just three months after the website's launch, GTrans resoundingly supplanted Google Translate on search-engine rankings.